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information and payment:


If you cannot make it to the session, please cancel within 48 hours prior to date of session for full refund. 


Click box to cancel:

If you cancel the day before or day of you will not get a refund. Instead you will receive a credit toward the next session.

Houston and Surrounding Areas..
To book for you private events, or for intimate couple's paint therapy please click here to email!
During each session, guests will be guided through recreating a painting previously done by hosting artist.
Each Session length varies, but are approximately 3 hours.
Each guest will be provided with all the necessary supplies such as aprons, canvas, paint and paint brushes.  
Guests will take home their painting at the end of session.
​All guests please arrive 30 minutes early to be seated so session can start on time!

Reserve your seat here:

$35 per person

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​Houston Area..

Couple's Erotic Body Painting Sessions! Group or private sessions available..

During this session couple's will be guided through body painting their partner.

Your comfort level is to your own discretion!

Non-toxic body paints will be used!

​Session will last approximately 3 hours, allowing 15 minutes for clean-up.

All guests please arrive 30 minutes early to get seated, set up, and so that the session can start on time.




 21 and up only!

Please, no kids allowed on site..




Coming soon.....

Couple's Erotic Body Painting Sessions


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